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This means that we work together with our tenants to provide business-adapted properties for warehousing/logistics and light industry, with competitive lease terms.

Our properties are located mainly in Greater Stockholm and Mälardalen, but also in other growth areas in western Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway.

Greater Stockholm and Mälardalen continue to be the driving force for the Swedish economy, and it is within Stendörren’s mission to help businesses with appropriate premises, primarily in this expansive region. We do this by buying properties and land in strategic locations around the region. We then develop these properties in close dialogue with our tenants to suit their needs. We also conduct project development of previously unused land in the same areas.

We thereby create life and movement in places that previously have been deserted and help our tenants to be successful so they can grow their businesses and create new jobs. In this way, our premises make a difference, not only for our tenants’ business, but also for the communities they are located in, for the people who live and work there – and for our shareholders.

The ongoing development, growth and the growing population in the Stockholm region also create an increased demand for housing. Within our existing property portfolio, we have started to develop new zoning plans for housing in the right locations with a long-term perspective.

We always look for the best solution for our tenants and adapt our properties to their needs, not only by optimizing to increase efficiency and profitability, but also to stimulate well-being and job satisfaction. This can be achieved through improving for example accessibility, heating, floor planning or lighting. We also install fiber-optic internet in all our commercial premises, only buy green electricity and replace old oil-fired boilers with district heating to reduce the environmental impact, reduce heating costs and ensure good functionality at the same time.