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Sustainability is an integral part of the company’s entire business and is governed through the company’s internal management system and the company’s organizational structure with clear delegation of authority and responsibility. In addition, the activities are governed by Swedish laws, guidelines and regulations and are guided by voluntary frameworks.

The Head of Sustainability is part of the company’s executive management team where strategic, economic, social and environmental decisions are made. In 2023, the management team has focused on further increasing ambitions, clarifying sustainability goals and increasing measurability. Sustainability work is integrated into the overall annual business planning within the company. The executive management team reviews all risks, including sustainability risks, for the company annually. The management team is also reviewing all sub-goals, including sustainability goals. A documentation is submitted to the Board of Directors, which is ultimately responsible for the company’s development.

Policy documents and code of conduct

To ensure that our sustainability work is complied with in the organization, several policy documents are in place. These describe, among other things, how the company work to minimize the risk of corruption, lack of human rights and our environmental impact.

The policies to be adopted by the Board of Directors are approved at the statutory Board meeting, which is held directly in connection with the company’s Annual General Meeting. The policies adopted by the company’s CEO are also usually revised and approved in the spring. Everyone who is employed at Stendörren receives an introduction to the company’s policies and manuals. All employees must annually confirm that they have read and understood all policies. If policies and documents change significantly, the company conducts training for employees.

The company’s policies are revised on an ongoing basis and at least annually.

Stendörren’s Code of Conduct, both for employees and suppliers, is one of the primary documents for steering towards a more sustainable business. This document is based on international conventions, codes and laws. It is based on the UN Global Compact’s ten principles for sustainable development and includes how Stendörren works with issues related to human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.