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We strive to be strategically forward-looking and monitor the market to minimize the risks in our value chain and organization.

Stendörren strives to be strategically forward-looking and to have a good understanding of the market and societal development that the company finds itself in. At the same time, we monitor risks and uncertainty factors in the market and make sure to build an organization with well-functioning support processes, routines and policy documents. Operational excellence also means that we strive to become fossil fuel independent and make sustainable choices when traveling on business. We have a close dialogue with suppliers and are gradually working to ensure that all major suppliers sign our code of conduct. Stendörren works actively to minimize all forms of corruption, bribery and irregularities, both in its own operations and in the value chain, by having robust processes and routines in place. We also have an external whistleblower function where crime, irregularities, violations or other actions that violate national or EU legislation can be reported confidentially.


  • Suppliers to Stendörren’s operations within management and development must sign the company’s Code of Conduct.
  • All vehicles are to be fossil-free by 2025.
  • Avoid flying whenever practically possible.

Attractive employer

The business is built and developed by motivated and talented employees, together with suppliers and partners.

Our people are critical to our success and growth. The business is built by motivated and competent people who, together with external parties, develop Stendörren’s operations. Well-being and health within the organization is therefore something we strongly care about. Pulse surveys are done twice a year to catch any negative trends in good time. The pulse surveys are carried out in the form of a questionnaire in which stress, workload and well-being are estimated. In order to run an inclusive business, gender equality and diversity are two important aspects to take into account, something that is done, among other things, in the pulse surveys that are carried out every six months with all employees.

Our employees read and sign the Code of Conduct when they start their employment with us. In addition, our employees are offered other relevant training courses to continue to develop within the company.

  • Ongoing work against discrimination and annual follow-up, feedback on equality and non-discrimination.
  • Strive for equality and diversity among all professional categories with the goal of a 40/60 gender distribution for management executives by 2025 at the latest.
  • Achieve an eNPS score of at least 40 in the annual employee surveys.
  • All employees are to complete training in the Code of Conduct.

Social responsibility

We are a committed and responsible participant in urban development that works together with municipalities and customers to create premises that make a difference.

Stendörren is a committed and a accountable player in urban development, where the company has the opportunity to create buildings that make a difference together with municipalities and customers. We engage in local business with the aim of generating the right type of pleasant buildings and public space and set high standards for new projects to create safe green environments for residential tenants. We see great advantages in having a close dialogue with the tenants, as it provides a good understanding of their needs and expectations of us as a landlord. Within the framework of our community engagement, we work to create job opportunities for people who are far from the labour market. This is done by providing internships and hands-on learning for people who are in need of this.


  • Create job opportunities for people far from the labour force.

Resource efficiency

By reducing our emissions and waste while streamlining the properties' energy consumption, Stendörren's total climate and environmental impact can be reduced.

Within the framework of resource efficiency, energy efficiency measures and optimizations are constantly being implemented. When we enter into new agreements, only fossil-free electricity is acquired, which means that the proportion of fossil-free energy within the company is constantly increasing. We collaborate with our tenants through green leases, which creates good collaboration opportunities to reduce the total environmental impact of the properties as well as the operations’ consumption and impact on the climate. To ensure the quality of our work, we have chosen to continuously certify existing properties and new construction according to BREEAM In-Use and BREEAM-SE respectively, with the lowest level “Very Good” as an ambition. In some cases, the additional certification NOLL CO2 is also used.

Stendörren’s direct and indirect carbon dioxide emissions are mapped annually, and the ambition is to highlight all emissions that arise in the company’s value chain and not just those that are directly linked to the company’s management. Like other real estate companies, the largest emissions occur in new construction and in the renovation of buildings.

Our long-term goal is to reduce emissions, especially in new construction, with the aim of reaching net zero emissions by 2040.


  • Reduce energy intensity (kwh/sqm) by at least 30% by 2030 (baseline year 2020).
  • 70% of the property portfolio (sqm) are to have environmental certification by 2025.
  • 100% of new developments and major refurbishments are to have environmental certification.
  • Enable increased recycling of tenants’ waste.
  • Minimize construction waste from new development <1% to landfill, by 2030.
  • 100% fossil free energy by 2030 (purchased by Stendörren).
  • Reduce carbon footprint in new development by at least 40% kgCO2/sqm GFA by 2030 (baseline years 2022).

Future proofing

To ensure a future-proof property portfolio, we work with climate risk assessment and continuously report in accordance with TCFD.

In order to make well-founded decisions regarding the property portfolio, a good understanding of how the properties will be affected by climate change is required. In 2022, a climate risk analysis was carried out based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) framework, where mapping of the entire portfolio is carried out on an ongoing basis. This first step aimed to compile both physical and transition risks for the Swedish portfolio and, with the help of SMHI, carried out a mapping of which climate risks primarily affect the company’s properties. In 2023, a strategy and plan for the most climate-risk-exposed properties has been initiated, including through pilot projects and help from external experts. This is an ongoing work and essential for the company to make smart investments in the future.

Stendörren’s properties are expected to be affected by the expected increase in rainwater, but also, to some extent, by the rising temperatures that may affect the properties’ energy consumption. Evaluating our property portfolio based on climate risks is an ongoing work and a necessity for us to make smart investments in the future.


  • Include relevant TCFD-indicators and report according to TCFD.
  • Net-zero carbon emissions target validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Key figures

Carbon footprint

KG Co2e/sqm

Renewable and recycled energy sources in operations


Energy intensity
